Friday, January 21, 2011

Winter Christmas Tree

I wondered at Christmas if there would be enough snow depths later to put the tree outside for the rest of the winter. Well, on January 12th here in Connecticut there was quite the storm with over 25 inches. The weather vane by the barn that was repaired after the tree fell on it last summer, now looks like it was walking on snow! Now there is plenty of snow to plant the tree where many birds can enjoy the shelter and natural feeling for all the daily seeds I sprinkle around. This way the Christmas tree can have an extended enjoyment well after Christmas by our feathered friends as well.

This change from the snowfall of winter and the Christmas tree will finally disappear to a memory. All the birds will still be fed and a delightful summer begins again. Some of my collectors have already mentioned their desire to visit the gallery when it warms up from this January winter experience and I look forward to seeing you as well.

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