Saturday, October 16, 2010

Field of Flags

I read in the our local paper, the Glastonbury Citizen, that the "Field of Flags" was going to be displayed on the front lawn of the Church of Christ on Main Street. I wondered what this might be like and thought I'd share this story with you. Saturday morning October 9th a group of parishioners were going to place the thousands of flags on the lawn and because of so many there was a need to use the parsonage area as well. Each flag represented a fallen U.S. service member killed in Iraq or Afghanistan ........ all 5710 as of that date! The most recent at the time was a young man from Glastonbury.

It was going to take 80 people working in shifts and about four hours to place all the flags. This idea was first generated at the Somers, Connecticut Congregational Church in October 2005 and Glastonbury is the 42nd community to display the flags. Churches in other states including Florida and Virginia have also displayed the flags.

The front lawn wasn't large enough so the parsonage next door also had to be used.

As the sun set, I paused thinking what this represents and to think that unfortunately there will be more flags added in time. The "Field of Flags" will be on display until October 30th.