Thursday, July 29, 2010

California Trip

Janice & I recently went to California for a few days to see our new twelve week old grandson. We left the hot humid East Coast and shortly after arriving I noticed how cool the air was getting in the early evening. So, of all things I had to buy was a sweater! But Janice did prepare and remembered to bring a sweater for herself. I was looking forward to writing about the great trees with their fascinating trunks and roots that were in the neighborhood. It was nice to see so many well kept front yards although they were very close together. Unfortunately I accidentally deleted my camera card losing all the "Culver City" photos. Fortunately though, we made CD's of all the baby photos and that was the important part. Trees will always be around, but little Hayden at 12 weeks is only once.
On the flight out I did not have my camera to take photos from the plane's window of the beautiful cloud formations. They were the most fantastic conditions of light and dark cumulus rising clouds making it very three dimensional with lightening bolts at the same time. We were about five miles high and I could even see other jets below zooming along in and out of the clouds. I did have my camera returning to Connecticut and I was able to take images along the way back and wanted to share a few with you.

Our flight began from LAX, took us over Del Ray beach where we visited the day before. It was cloudy and overcast but hoped for clear skies as we ascended.

After the flight leveled off 36,000 feet we were above the scattered clouds.

I've heard of crop circles but never saw them for real. I don't understand why this is but I saw them from New Mexico to at least Oklahoma. Sometimes these were in the middle of desert .......not surrounded by other green. I'd like to learn more about why and how these are so perfect everywhere.

As I looked out I thought of the song "IZ" sings "Somewhere Over the Rainbow".......way up high. The rendition that IZ sings is wonderful if you haven't heard him sing it before.

Our halfway stop was Minnesota and I noticed how green everything was.........but no crop circles here.

The sun was setting as we got closer to Connecticut but I noticed Venus further away. It was nice to get back home and now everything is just a memory. I'm now back to work and working on a collection of more pine wood houses for the Halloween and Christmas season. I'm looking forward to showing you lots more in different sizes and details.


suggie said...

Chris......Those circles you saw were circles of vegatation formed by the irrigation system being used.The sprinkles/water is sprayed from a wheeled system that rotates as it waters.

suggie said...

Chris......Those circles you saw were circles of vegatation formed by the irrigation system being used.The sprinkles/water is sprayed from a wheeled system that rotates as it waters.