Thursday, July 29, 2010

Marblehead Day

As July ended so did the show at the Marblehead Arts Association which meant I had to pick up my paintings that were part of the summer exhibition. I also had some business to take care of at the Marblehead Historical Commission, a store that sells some of my work located in Abbot Hall. This is also where the famous painting of the Spirit of '76 is displayed where everyone can experience this very meaningful image of our country's heritage. Right there at Washington Square in the shadows of Abbot Hall I took this photo of the house I remember working in as a young fourteen year old. I used to do odd jobs from yard work to cleaning walls.... even in the cellar of this home.

The landmark of town, Abbot Hall, is nestled among many old homes and this photo is Tucker Street a few short steps from the Art Association. On the right side is the home of Samuel Chamberlain, a very well known artist and writer, who I also did work for. He did fine etchings of not only Marblehead but also places in Europe. Many also might be familiar with his photography and writings of New England books. I remember him well sitting there as I weeded his backyard gardens.

From Abbot Hall there is a shortcut down the steps of the public alleyway to Lee Street from Lookout Court..... a must to see when visiting in town.

I went down to the wharf from Lookout Court and I happened to see my old friend Kip, whose back patio is shown above. We sat and talked briefly of the "old" days when I used to live there. It almost felt like it was yesterday ......almost.
On the way to the wharf is this view at the corner of Darling Street and Front. I like this view and have done several paintings and drawings of it. There are a lot of changes but basically it is still the same.

This is a watercolor tinted print of my interpretation of the above photo that I did once for the Savings Bank's calendar several years ago. I have this print and eleven more Marblehead scenes of 8x10 prints available, if anyone is interested, colored or black&white.
This painting is also available and shows the antique shop and the Sea Horse tea room on the right side. I remember too the Keepsake shop on the left side across the street going up to Crocker Park.
Hope you enjoy this little walking tour of old Marblehead where I was influenced in the work that I do today.

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